
Vass issue 1 looked good on the computer screen. The printers assured me it would look just like that on paper, sent me proofs which were done digitally in the US, then printed the 4 color process in China, which turned out way too dark for advertising. So my deal feel through with the publisher, and I ended up with 1000 books in my garage and losing 10,000 dollars instead of selling enough (5 dollars each, very close to my printing price) to put out issue #2. So, issue #2 will probably be entirely digital. Doing a one man comic is an art of love, but a horror show in production it seems. So lesson learned the hard way, and now Im figuring out how to keep the series going thats cost effective and print-friendly. I havent given up, even after a blow liek that - but I just need to be smart about it, and Im one person doing a seven man job. So I apologize for the ridiculous delays. Thats what happened. And Im still on it.

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